In-Duct UVGI Systems & UVC Light for Elevator

UVC Sterilization for office building & workspaces

Disease can spread very quickly around an office, and protecting your staff is of the utmost importance. Fox Valley Filter provides two products that can ensure that disease doesn’t send countless workers home sick. The In-Duct UVGI product quietly sterilizes the air before it even enters the office, while UVC light for elevators ensures that bacteria and germs are kept at bay. 

Contact us at Fox Valley Filter to ask questions about our HVAC and elevator UVC protection.

In-Duct UVGI Systems

Our UV lights for HVAC systems are mounted inside the ductwork, where ultraviolet lights treat the air that passes through before it releases out in the office space. The In-Duct UVGI product maximizes the sterilization and protection of your office. Make sure you are protecting the health of your workers by constantly preventing any harmful diseases from entering the workspace.

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UVC Light for Elevators

The product safeguards elevators from harmful viruses, bacteria, and other airborne pathogens. It comes as no surprise that an enclosed space like an elevator is a breeding ground for diseases, so make sure your office building is protected by installing a UVC light to kill germs.

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